
Bite Guards

Hard/Soft Night Guard

Hard Soft Bite Splint is designed to alleviate the pain and damage caused by bruxing or clenching of the teeth. It is the most widely prescribed bite splint available due to its comfort and fit. Two layers make up the Comfort H/S Hard Soft Bite Splint: a 1 mm soft polyurethane inner layer that rests comfortably against the teeth and gums; and a 2.5 mm hard, clear copolyester outer layer that provides durability and bonds with acrylic for easy modification.

Hard Night Guard

Hard Night Guard is an appliance prescribed to patients to treat bruxism. This appliance protects the teeth and other vital structures by creating a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth. Over the counter night guards do not offer the same specialized material indicated for long term, overnight use

Essix Retainer

Clear or transparent retainer Fits over the entire arch of teeth and is produced from a mold. It is similar in appearance to Orthodontic Invisalign trays, though the latter are not considered "retainers". Appearance is also similar to a bleaching tray with a „tooth placed in for the missing one or a surgical guide without the hole to guide the surgeon.